Advisory services:

Intelligence reports

Monthly Intelligence Report

The Monthly Intelligence Report contains worldwide area threat assessments and updates, and in-depth analyses of hot topics, helping maritime operators stay ahead of the latest maritime security developments around the world, minimising risk and keeping assets and crews safe. It provides essential planning intelligence for many of our clients and is a comprehensive report at appx 28 pages.


Black Sea Weekly Report

The weekly Northern Black Sea Ports and Terminals Threat Assessment report is a subscription offer that provides a complete, updated threat picture for maritime operations in the northern Black Sea region, which is heavily affected by the war in Ukraine. The report puts the week’s main incidents into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations and includes a forecast.


Libya Weekly Report

The Libya Weekly Report assesses 14 ports and terminals in Libya in this 8-10 pages report, which is based on specific demand from shipping operators. Risk Intelligence closely monitors developments in the Libyan ports and the report outlines current threats, includes area updates and a comprehensive analysis of the country’s overall political and security situation. Essential reading for security/operations staff as well as commercial departments fixing the charters.


Whitepapers & hot topics

We frequently produce whitepapers on high risk areas, complex threat issues or other subjects relevant to global supply chain security. These whitepapers are distributed to our clients as well as our newsletter mailing list. Click through below to see all of our available whitepapers and sign up for our newsletter to receive notifications of new publications on security issue hot topics.


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North Korea special briefing

Yemen whitepaper

Indonesia briefing

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