Monthly Intelligence Report December 2024
This month’s issue of the Monthly Intelligence Report covers incidents that took place between November 1 - 30, 2024, in three focus regions:
West Africa
Western Indian Ocean (including the Persian Gulf)
South East Asia
Focus topic: A new security architecture for the Middle East?
This month, we are taking a look at the longer-term implications of the current conflicts in the Middle East. With the incoming US administration likely to be focussing on Iran, the region is already changing as both Iran and Saudi Arabia look to their own futures while US influence is waning and China is unwilling to take on a major role in regional security politics. These broader issues may also have implications for commercial shipping activities.
In addition, the report provides a brief update on the maritime implications of the war in Ukraine.
This month's risk and threat assessment
In the report's assessment, the main incidents are put into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations. Moreover, the report includes forecasts that cover the main concerns in the coming weeks.