White papers

The Eastern Mediterranean since
7 October

Since 7 October 2023, much of the focus on Middle Eastern tensions has been directed toward the Red Sea and the Houthi campaign to target merchant shipping in solidarity with Palestinians. Despite expectations of disruption, this region has avoided significant direct impacts. 

The relative stability of the Eastern Mediterranean hides a complex and evolving security landscape. Regional politics and relations with the rest of the world are embedded in energy geopolitics and ‘gas diplomacy,’ which continue to shape the region’s strategic outlook, presenting a mix of opportunities and risks for its long-term stability. 

Hybrid warfare in the Baltic Sea and High North

Hybrid warfare has in recent years been subject to increasing attention from governments, industries and the public. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and the following increase in tension between Russia and Western countries, has also contributed to that development.

Recent events, like incidents affecting undersea cables and GPS-signal interference, demonstrate the range of opportunities that hybrid warfare offers compared to conventional warfare. A growing political interest in the High North underline that these regions will be an ongoing focus for hybrid warfare. This paper looks at how the High North and Baltic Sea regions have been an increasing focus for hybrid warfare and a driver of the EU and NATO response. 

The return of Somali piracy

Following several years without any attacks, the November 2023 hijacking of the fishing vessel AL MIRAJ signalled the resurgence of Somali piracy incidents. In the same year, illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing in Somalia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) had reached a high point.

As most pirate attacks targeted foreign fishing vessels, a direct link between the two phenomena has been suggested. However, the relation between IUU fishing and piracy is more nuanced than this. This paper explores the presence of illegal foreign fishing vessels in Somalia, provides an overview of the recent piracy attacks in the area, and reflects on the role other factors play in facilitating piracy in the region. 

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