Monthly Intelligence Report January 2025
This month’s issue of the Monthly Intelligence Report covers incidents that took place between December 1 - 31, 2024, in three focus regions:
West Africa
Western Indian Ocean (including the Persian Gulf)
South East Asia
Focus topic: Trump 2.0 – potential impacts on shipping and maritime security
This month, we are looking at the incoming administration in the US. Donald Trump will be inaugurated on 20 January and he has already made some claims about what he will do “on day one”. More importantly though, what are the potential longer-term impacts of “America First” policies on the shipping industry in general and on maritime security in particular?
In addition, the report provides a brief update on the maritime implications of the war in Ukraine.
This month's risk and threat assessment
In the report's assessment, the main incidents are put into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations. Moreover, the report includes forecasts that cover the main concerns in the coming weeks.