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Ports along the Black Sea – dealing with logistical and security challenges

Will Ukraine’s port infrastructure be able to cope with increasing demands for imports and exports?

Ukrainian ports on the Danube were for a time the only maritime route out of Ukraine for grain, which would otherwise have been exported through the major Black Sea ports. However, due to years of neglect and owing to their location, the river ports needed extensive investment and upgrades to cope with the extra load of getting as much grain out of Ukraine as possible.

Other Black Sea ports in neighbouring countries, such as the Romanian port of Constanta, were also affected by the sudden influx of Ukraine export grain. Poor existing rail and road connections needed to be refurbished in order to cope. In this webinar, our experts discuss the impact of previous and ongoing infrastructure upgrades for cargo volumes in ports across Ukraine and neighbouring countries as well as the implications of the ongoing war in Ukraine for commercial shipping in the Black Sea.

Ian Wilkinson - Ports Manager
Hans-Kristian Petersen - Mediterranean and Black Sea Analyst

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