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Cocaine smuggling on the rise – implications for commercial shipping

What trends should the maritime industry anticipate in response to increasing global drug supply and the evolution of smuggling techniques?

According to the UNODC World Drug Report 2024, the availability of most drugs surged in the past two years. This has resulted in an expansion of drug markets and increased efforts to smuggle large shipments from production hubs to its final destinations. The expansion of drug smuggling activities not only entails larger quantities at their disposal, but also a diversification of goods – from illicit drugs to precursors and even pre-precursors .

In recent years, drug trafficking organisations have introduced new substances, smuggling routes, and concealment techniques. The outlook doesn't look bright as the supply of drugs and chemicals used for production are expected to increase further. In this webinar, we will address what trends are most likely to impact the maritime industry in the upcoming months.

Kristian Bischoff - Europe and Russia Analyst
Diego Briceno - Latin America and Caribbean Analyst

October 8

Mastering Oversight – Empowering Your LSP Management with the LandRisk Logistics Tool

October 22

Sanctions are increasing – the impact on shipping