TAPA Vigilant magazine: ‘Barcelona - rolling the dice with last mile deliveries’
Avoiding last-mile delivery cargo theft in one of Europe’s least secure cities is not easy. Barcelona is a cargo theft hotspot and one of the worst affected regions in Spain. With 70 last mile delivery thefts in the last year and numerous incidents at motorway services and industrial areas on the outskirts of the city, the problem is likely to continue.
30 September 2020
Why Barcelona? Risk Intelligence’s Steve Bacot and Kristian Bischoff turned their popular LandRisk webinar on Barcelona cargo theft into an article for TAPA’s Vigilant Magazine and explain:
“When looking at last-mile delivery theft, Barcelona can be considered a ‘target rich environment’. Heavy traffic and narrow streets provide criminals with numerous opportunities to identify, follow or ambush vehicles making last-mile deliveries. Motorway service areas on arterial routes around the city provide plenty of targets for roving cargo theft gangs.
At Risk Intelligence, we evaluate and analyse the threat actor, in this case the cargo thieves, based on three parameters; intent, capability, and opportunity.
Intent is the goal the adversary wants to achieve. Capability is the ability of the adversary to successfully breach security measures and fulfil their intent. Opportunity are the conditions in the wider environment and the nature of the target vulnerabilities, (physical and operational) that can be exploited by the adversary.
Read the full article in Vigilant’s digital magazine, and learn the complexities of this last mile delivery risk, and how Bacot and Bischoff recommend reducing the threats and securing vehicles and drivers against theft and robbery.
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