Contingency management
Severe contingencies may be predictable or novel, but only a robust and resilient organisation can manage such emergencies and their potential consequences. Risk Intelligence provides a step-by-step process to assist the Crisis Management team in establishing a comprehensive corporate contingency programme.
Contingency & continuity planning, management and training
Risk Intelligence assists clients in achieving solid security preparedness. This means flexible response capacity, smooth cooperation and efficient execution across the entire company. The resulting contingency management proficiency not only reduces the number of casualties, but also minimises cost and protects the company reputation and assets. A well-defined plan and efficient execution will also speed up business recovery and a quick return to normal operations.
However, even the best prepared plan will be of limited use unless read, understood and rehearsed within the organisation. The normal hierarchy changes during a crisis; subject matter experts, even juniors, are expected to candidly share insights and take lead, while senior managers sit back, reflect on advice presented and make educated decisions.
Our contingency - or emergency - management products cover the end-to-end optimisation process: from establishment of a contingency programme, to the planning setup for threat specific incidents, and conducting the necessary contingency drills and exercises.
Contingency planning
Contingency or emergency planning is a bespoke process and delivered in close cooperation with the client. An efficient emergency setup is individually tailored to the client’s organisation and firmly based upon ownership. Risk Intelligence will act as advisor and process-facilitator whereas the production of analysis and plans is completed by the relevant resource within the client’s organisation.
The process may include parallel/subsequent business continuity planning depending on the need. Subject to the client’s existing setup, the deliveries can include:
Contingency management workshops
Security organisation review
Corporate risk identification
Basic to advanced contingency planning
Functional annexes
Threat specific annexes
Emergency drills & exercises (office, shipboard)
Workshops, drills & exercises are designed to test plans, cooperation, communication and decisions processes in a controlled and supervised manner, in office or shipboard. They range from plain training activities such as workshops to unannounced full scale exercises involving multiple functions and assets. They are aimed at optimising efficiency to act within the emergency management setup and may include:
Contingency workshops allow the emergency response team to practice the full range of the contingency response plan within a controlled and low-stress environment. This activity is normally scenario based and includes a walk-through of one or more emergency response processes as well as discussions of best practices.
Functional exercises test the full range of several associated activities and require the participants to act in accordance with their roles and responsibilities in a semi-complex scenario-based setup. A functional exercise includes activation of selected elements of the emergency response plan, components and participants.
Full-scale exercises are complex scenario-based events that seek to duplicate an actual emergency in order to test the functional capacity of the emergency response setup in a near real-time environment. Full-scale exercises test all elements of the emergency response plan for accuracy and effectiveness and the participants experience many of the constraints and challenges they would likely face in a real-time emergency.
Seminars & workshops
Seminars cover several activities depending on individual requirements or challenges. They are conducted as briefings or presentations and may include training activities depending on scope. They are normally delivered on-site in office, during crew seminars or shipboard.
In-house consultancy
This activity typically includes a Risk Intelligence advisor on site (in office) to assist in the development of the emergency organisation, help create procedures and aid with complex plans. It may also include remote or on-site assistance to an on-going crisis.
To discuss contingency services, please get in touch:
Please fill in the form below and you will be contacted with further details of pricing and to set up your subscription.
Thank you!
Risk Intelligence A/S
Strandvejen 100
2900 Hellerup
T: +45 70 26 62 30
F: +45 70 26 62 40
Email: info@riskintelligence.eu