Monthly Intelligence Reports

Strengthen informed decision making with the Monthly Intelligence Report, and get worldwide area threat assessments and updates, and in-depth analyses of hot topics to stay ahead of the latest maritime security developments around the world and keep your crew and assets safe.

Reports are 20-25 pages and are available on a subscription basis.

Cover picture of Monthly Intelligence Report for April 2024, featuring a headline in the centre, with Risk Intelligence logo on the upper side, an image on top with a boat near a port, and cargo container cranes.

Monthly Intelligence Report
April 2024

This month’s issue of the Monthly Intelligence Report covers incidents that took place between March 1 - 31, 2024, in three focus regions:

  • West Africa

  • Western Indian Ocean (including the Persian Gulf)

  • South East Asia

Focus topic: A resurgence of Somali piracy? 

This month, we are taking a look at recent events in the Indian Ocean where Somali piracy seems to be once again an increasing threat. While the Indian navy in particular has been actively engaged, underlined by the operation to free the hijacked bulk carrier RUEN which included the detention of 35 perpetrators, one merchant ship remains under pirate control. Several other incidents were also reported in March, underlining the need to closely monitor ongoing developments. 

In addition, the report provides a brief update on the maritime implications of the war in Ukraine.

This month's risk and threat assessment

In the report's assessment, the main incidents are put into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations. Moreover, the report includes forecasts that cover the main concerns in the coming weeks.


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