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Monthly Intelligence Report May 2022

This month’s issue of the Monthly Intelligence Report covers incidents that took place between April 1 - 30, 2022, in three focus regions:

  • West Africa

  • Western Indian Ocean (including the Persian Gulf)

  • South East Asia

Focus topic: Criminal activities in the Niger Delta

This month's focus section provides a short look at oil-related crimes in Nigeria's Niger Delta region. Crude oil theft, illegal refining and fuel sales on the black market have long provided high revenues for organised crime groups. Over the past 12 months, these revenues have increased further, leading to a significant drop in pirate attacks across the Gulf of Guinea.

Update: Maritime dimensions of the war in Ukraine

This month’s report also includes an update about the situation in Ukraine and the northern part of the Black Sea. The conflict has already led to various challenges for maritime operations in the Black Sea as well as for Bosphorus transits. It is therefore vital to monitor the situation closely.