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Monthly Intelligence Report August 2022

This month’s issue of the Monthly Intelligence Report covers incidents that took place between July 1 - 30, 2022, in three focus regions:

  • West Africa

  • Western Indian Ocean (including the Persian Gulf)

  • South East Asia

Focus topic: Update on Ukraine & Black Sea

This month’s focus section provides a brief overview of the situation in Ukraine with a focus on maritime implications. After a UN-sponsored deal was agreed in July, grain exports may now resume from several Ukrainian ports. The first ship has already left the port of Odessa, yet it is too early to assess whether maritime traffic will indeed start to pick up in the coming weeks as ship operators still face various uncertainties and practical challenges.

This month's risk and threat assessment

In the report's assessment, the main incidents are put into a broader context to highlight current threat levels and potential changes for maritime operations. Moreover, the report includes forecasts that cover the main concerns in the coming weeks.